Thursday, May 14, 2020


I have been silent for many weeks, overwhelmed by what is happening to all of us… I received dozens of emails from friends worried about Diana and me , wondering why I have not been writing… Please be reassured , we are doing fine , staying at home for more than 2 months and going out only for necessities…And we know that this situation can go for many more months or years, and we know that life will be another way of being for all of us….                                                        

 We are living very difficult times, most of cities all over the world live an incredible period, the equivalent of the Bubonic Plague is back, but with no immediate solution!  And with it, we have to learn new ways to survive , new ways to function , new ways to think, new ways to be….
I am keeping busy, working on my next novel, revising the libretto of the new Opera JULIE ET MAO, it will open in Germany March 2021… and recently I had my last two books published, Cyrano and second revised edition of The Shattered Sky…

A few weeks ago I wrote a blog about fear and Freedom, proclaiming my total and intense freedom not even imagining that some aspect my Freedom could again be robbed from me….And it is now happening, and what I believed was an important strength of my life is now taken away from me…
My freedom many times in the past, you have been incredibly threatened, but now with the events of the pandemic, you have been wounded again. Now most of people are suffering and are living like some of us have been for a time, in loneliness and rejection from others.

I have to say that this new way of living:  quarantine, social distancing, home staying, and solitude have been most of my new way of life for the past 2 years…
BUT I tried to keep the freedom of my thoughts, of my feelings, of my emotions and we all have to do the same.
How much I understand better the theory of Brecht about DISTANCIATION in the theater… Creating the EPIC THEATER,  Brecht was asking the audience to see the world as it is and not to suspend the disbelief….

These difficult times put everything in PERSPECTIVE!

For a lot of people the last few years in our spoiled world and spoiled society have been spent with not enough concerns about real dramas and real tragedy. New ways of suffering had to be invented and promoted in order to feel totally alive and useful to this imagined new world.… And we have been too often ignoring the real dramas all over the world and concentrating on our spoiled life with small and petty events.
The world has now changed and WHAT A BIG CHANGE!!!!!

Yes, and this situation gives us  PERSPECTIVE….

Some of us have seen just about everything that can happen in the world, war and loss of family, forced to leave their birth country and becoming a refugee in an adopting place, terrible diseases leaving you destroyed mentally for life, racism and being always seen as a different human being, and so many other awful events happening in life. When people have made it past 80 years oldbeyond the official life expectancy , they very often show a resilience BUT THAT IS IN NEED THESE DAYS FOR ALL AGES IN THE DRAMA WE ARE LIVING …

In the past decades for many people in our spoiled society the most important in our life was to acquire and even demand everything immediately, without real sacrifice. We were owed everything.                  If only we had known earlier the drama we are living now and its consequences, maybe we would have acted and behaved differently these past years! This pandemic is an incredible and non-possible event for us….
Are we still capable of seeing what the world has to offer?


With this terrible experience we are living, are we given an opportunity to take stock of our situation in the world, our destiny, our role in society, and to try to understand who we really are, what we really want , where we are really going in our life? It has been announced recently that hair salon, Gym centers, Tattoos parlors and Bowling alleys are authorized to open, GREAT !!!!!! They are so important in our society and the basics of human relations, what a joke!!!!! Is that really what we are hoping for our life?
 Are we these days returning to real thoughts? To a more decent approach to what the world is, and what right we have to demand and to expect?

In the past years it seems that complete different values became rules,  and it could be very difficult to really understand it … What happened to our dreams of happiness for an equal society full of life and aspirations? We were supposed to reach the NIRVANA, this imperturbable stillness of mind after the fires of desire, aversion and delusion have been extinguished.

What happened to the time when we decided to rebuild the world for total harmony and total understanding of others! We were working hand in hand using the knowledge and the vitality of each other. We made plans to bring to society balance, equality dreams and happiness. The sky has changed sky. We thought we had reached a stage where the young generation will not dismiss the old one and the old one will not look at the young one with a smile of disdain or even disgust? Knowledge will be respected, and young minds will be admired!

Imagine a world where the knowledge and experience is used by a young mind with his energy, invention, and sense of discovery? Imagine a world where the creativity is guided by knowledge.

It seems that it is yesterday that I was twenty years old, I was not thinking of passing time, and I was playing with life and with possible future… I was full of ideas, full of desires, full of projects and I was living from day to day… Whatever happened to this young mind so alive? I had so many hopes and so many projects, many disappeared in the fog of life, but many were finalized, and brought me so many joys of achievements…Yes, life is never at the end, and we have to continue to dream and to build the next step, nothing should stop us , nothing should make us clueless…Yes, It seems that it is yesterday that I was twenty years old and I was wasting time running after the present ignoring the past and the notion of experience… I was criticizing the world , believing I knew everything better than anybody, and was wasting my energy, acting sometimes like a fool … Time taught me how to really be alive and think…

The surrealists made the attempt to bridge together reality and imagination… Surrealists seek to overcome the contradictions of the conscious and unconscious minds by creating unreal or bizarre stories full of juxtapositions.  The world and reality are chaotic and unforgiving and usually do not make sense.Sometimes artists want to take the chaos of the outside world and attempt to make it appear real. Fighting this chaos to make reality normal is what Andre Breton was fighting against, take the absurd and run away with it.Madness could be considered genius and boring and dull equal dumb. Yes it seems that we are living a time of Surrealism, let us connect reality and imagination of what will be left tomorrow at the end of the actual tragedy, let us be twenty again in our mind and let us dream about desires, projects, ideas for a next chapter.
Yes , I know that in everyday life, too often we are forced to contemplate the next step of our development ,but we should make the constant effort to stay in contact with the ones who contributed to make us who we are….
These past few weeks I have been contacted by many persons I had no news for a long time, many talking about the friendship we had, the creativity we shared, the affection sometimes we had for each other… I was and am very happy to have these conversations with these people who had been so important to me at one point….                                                                                                                           But PLEASE let us not  wait for a drama invading us to realize the importance of some people in our life.