Thursday, June 27, 2013

The lesson

I do not like when it snows…I have seen snow very often, I do not like it…It creates a false impression of purity all this immaculate white, like a virgin bragging to be a virgin, a false impression of peace, of surprising silence like a piece of white velvet thrown on the wounds. I walked often in the snow, I walked on it since the sky was vaguely glued by the years devoted to build what was inexistent. I walked often on the white cover on my wounds.

The sky has changed into a new sky…I looked at my youth and I forgive myself… I am not anymore this angry boy… I do not want anymore to assassinate the truth, I want to remake the truth. The truth? The truth of what? The truth of the lies of our imagination?
The truth of the unfinished phantasms?  Forty years are passed since the mirror with a corner of blue sky*…Forty years?

Am I wise now? I wonder if wisdom leaves some bitterness on the possible truth. It is probably the reason why some people like snow, snow covers the bitterness of the truth.
My youth is far from me now, lost in the blurry memories, in the memory of the lost senses, but I keep for it tenderness full of stupor. The stupor to see that it is not anymore, that I am somebody else built by life, designed by others’ vision…
My youth, you have disappeared in the mist of life, in the path of what we call existence. I have been recreated by the look of the others, I became another… Am I still capable or creating a new world like I believe I was? Am I still capable of reinventing myself? Or did I fall in the impossibility to be myself?

They always want to know talking about my novel*, is this all truth? Your life? Is it TRUE? TRUE? What does that mean TRUE?
Everything is true…everything is invented…
There is only one truth, the one we want…
You are a tormented soul…a tormented soul? Not at all… Only a mind searching for the meaning of all this, the lost purpose of the eternity of life…
My youth was not tormented, on the contrary, my youth was capable of taming adversity, capable of staying strong and whole.
I miss my youth, I admire my youth…I miss its strength, I miss its passion, and I miss its vision. Forty years have passed since my decision to start again, to turn the page, to go conquer a new world…Where all these years went, they went faster that the years of my youth lost to try to understand, lost to try to be alive.

Has the meaning of life changed since my youth? It seems that I do not really understand it anymore…all has to be acquired immediately, without real sacrifice. We deserve the best right away, the world has replaced knowledge of humanity by knowledge of pushing buttons… It is all right for anything, for the people behind a desk, but it is not all right for artists, for performers, for people who are the Porte parole of being a human being full of emotions to give to others.
Why are we so afraid to share emotions, to be vulnerable, to have feelings?

An artist should be delivering to others the human soul, the feelings and the weaknesses of being one…all this acquired by life experiences or by acquiring it thru the study of the ones who knew.
Yes, some people have this talent of knowing at birth, they are the lucky ones, they are the chosen, and they are a gift.
Others have difficult times and dramas and failures and tragedy to use for their art.
We have to acquire this, to find equivalents.
Does that mean we have to read Pascal, Shakespeare, Plato, Nietzsche, Joyce, Faulkner, Sartre, Camus, Arrabal, Chekov, Gogol, Pirandello, Beckett, Malaparte, Dante, Ovid, Diderot. ?
And Mozart, Brahms, Picasso, Da Vinci, the impressionists, Beethoven, Rodin etc…
(These names are given as an example, the list should be five hundreds or five thousands)
Yes, we have to…we have to acquire somewhere the necessary material and then we will be capable of giving it back to those who came to live an experience watching us and listening to us.

In 1968, I was performing in Paris Les caprices de Marianne by Musset… I was the part of Octave and sharing a dressing room with another young actor who was the character of Celio…we lived a great period of rehearsals and became friends.
One night before the performance, the sage manager knocked at our door to tell us that Jean Luis Barrault was in the audience.
I almost fainted, Jean Louis Barrault, the pope of theater in France, the reference for drama, the dream of each young actor to be invited to perform with his troupe. I was so nervous that my hand could not apply the make up necessary to have an acceptable face for a “Jeune premier”, my friend in the dressing room did not say a word, and was whistling as always before a performance.

After the performance, we hear a knock at the door of the dressing room; I open the door and Barrault in front of us. He is very short, very skinny, very wrinkled.

He enters the room and says:

-        Congratulations, both of you did well, I can see that both of you worked a lot on your characters, a few things to adjust, a few things to correct, but good, very good.

-        Monsieur Barrault, please tell us how to improve?

-        You believe there is a recipe? That I can give you in a few words how to become PERFECT? (The world perfect was almost screamed)

-        Where should we start?

-        Read all Musset, all Chateaubriand, all Alfred De Vigny, and may be you will understand what it is to be a romantic character… have a good evening.

He turned his back to us and went to the door, opened the door and was almost gone, he stopped, turned and said:

“ Yes, both of you did very well, but one of you has a lot of talent” and he left.

I was so angry by that last line that I threw a bottle of water against the door and screamed, “Go to hell, old fart”
My friend in the room, laughed of a real laugh for a long time, punctuating his laughing by words like “ fantastic, so funny, great, and I really love him”

For the next three weeks in the dressing room, I was quiet, and brooding, and uneasy… My colleague was chatting, telling jokes and in a great mood…

By the way his name was Gerard De Par…. 

It did not take me long to realize after that, who was the one with a lot of talent, while I was still performing in theaters in France, my friend became a big movie star.

But Barrault did not forget me, 2 years later, he hired me as an assistant director for his prestigious company, I stayed for 3 productions and that is the ONLY experience I had all my life as an assistant director.

But I tried to understand why he had more talent than me… or at least capable of using his talent better than me… after all, I certainly had had a more eventful life than he did…but nobody in the audience except a handful of people knows our life.
I had more degrees than him, and I was more cultured than him…so what was it?

I asked him once:

“Gerard, why are you better than me? Why are you totally Celio and I am approaching Octave?”

“ Bernard, I know that you had a difficult life and I know that you are very cultured, but when you act instead of using all your knowledge and your accumulated emotions to become the character, you sometimes let your knowledge and your emotions dictate your mood…Use them, do not let them dominate you.”

“ Gerard, before the rehearsals did you really prepare like Barrault told us?”

“ Oh yes, I read all Musset and all Chateaubriand and Alfred de Vigny, and I made some research about what it is to love without being loved and I worked on all the situations of the play in my real life…that was what Barrault called talent, it is only the use of accumulated knowledge.”

With years, I lost contact with my friend but still see him as a vivid image.

Have real experience or/and acquired knowledge, use it and do not let it dominate you…what a lesson that was, and even more for a director than a performer.

* This refers to my novel “the shattered sky “, If you have not read it, we will be happy to send you a copy free of charge.

Friday, June 21, 2013

The Choice

I had a strange dream last night…I was walking in a field of red poppies, they were surrounded by huge strawberries.

 So many of them that I was crushing poppies or strawberries according to my choice. After a time I decided to crush the strawberries, the poppies looked too fragile, but each step was creating a flood of red liquid like blood, more and more until I was almost drawn in the rising blood.
I woke up drenched and trembling…I stayed a moment in the dark wondering why I chose to crush the strawberries instead of the poppies.

Why do we make choices, which sometimes are so obviously wrong?

It reminded me of a the decision made by a singer friend of mine, a few years ago, who left his engagement without a word to anybody ... not a word to his wife, to his children may be because they were babies and will not get it, to the director of the company, and of course to his management… He just packed and quit after one day of rehearsals and two coaching... He just drove back home after having driven for 13 hours to be there. He sent an email later saying that he was done with this business, it was not for him, he did not feel good doing it, he was loosing himself in a parody of life, so he asked to cancel his upcoming contracts and become a normal human being again.

It was his choice.

First I was shocked, then amazed and surprised, then as usual angry, then I smiled, then I admired him.
How many of us will have this courage? To realize that we are living an impossible dream, that we are wasting our young life to pursue something, which will never happen, and we are throwing, in our search for the unknown and  self punishment, our family, our other us.

Of course some reach the impossible dream and make it a reality and that is why we all believe it is now our turn, and we continue for months, for years, for life to pursue a ghost, the ghost of success, the ghost of our irrelevance.
To have the courage to suddenly break this, to say no more, even if it is a terrifying decision, is admirable and a proof of great strength, a proof of becoming a responsible adult.

Then the day went on ... And this decision soon became the past since we live in a world where the next event is the present and we are conditioned to assimilate as fast as possible what happened three minutes ago... But while the event was digested fast, I had a lot of thoughts about the meaning of this gesture...

Is our life a list of decisions? Did I take the right decisions in my life? Did I make the right choices?

I remember what my grand mother told me while I was still a child: 
“Be sure all your life to take the trains passing, look at it and take it”

She was obviously not aware of the trains going to Auschwitz.

“But Mamie, what if some trains do not pass”

“Trains always pass but people do not look”

“But Mamie, what if the train goes to the wrong place?”

“The wrong place can be better than the stagnant place, you are strong enough to leave the wrong place later if necessary…What our family is living now makes you very strong”

 We were in 1956, only 11 years after the end of the second world war and for a few years we had been living with the troubled Tunisia trying to have independence from France…We were nothing, in the middle of the Tunisian insurrections, officially Tunisians, but Tunisian Jews and scared of the Arabs…For the French we were inexistent since we were not French citizens… How many times I saw my father cry in his room, and the entire family wanting to believe all will be fine soon and we were going in the right direction…And if necessary France will welcome us with open arms, what a joke!!!!!
All this mixed with the invading reports of the holocaust, the first images of the concentration camps and the gas chambers; we were living in a constant mood of panic.

“Yes Mamie I will look for trains and I will take them, I promise, nobody will stop me, I am a strong man” I was 11 years old.

She died soon after that, she never saw me taking trains, but her voice was and is always with me.

I know it is the second time I am listening in my youth to an older woman, may be that is why I never listened to another woman in my life...  JUST KIDDING

When 6 months after my Raskolnikov and Tania Balachova, I was asked to be the star of a play in a legitimate theater in Paris, while I knew nothing about acting and was not really ready for that task, did I take the passing train or was I foolish?

When I was asked to be the French voice dubbing big American stars in blockbuster movies a few months later, did I take the passing train or was I incapable of discerning reality?

When I was asked to go to a Famous college to teach theater and literature for the summer in America, did I take the passing train or was I again an arrogant young French guy? I was 26 and never been to the states and my students were older than me.

When I was asked soon after to start a French theater company in Boston, performing in French, did I take the passing train or was I totally unaware of anything?

When I was asked by Sarah Caldwell to direct the dialogues of her opera production of Faust and then participate intensely in the staging of the whole opera while I had never even seen an opera in my life, did I take the passing train or my total ignorance was blinding me?

When after 5 years in the opera world, I was offered to be general and artistic director of Tulsa opera and a year later general and artistic director of Montreal opera, did I take the passing train or was I suicidal?

Did I take the right decisions? Did I really choose?
      Or fate was leading me?
It seems that some people make always the right choices and some always the wrong choices, is that dictated by fate?
What pushes some people to make perpetually the same mistakes, to choose always the worst for themselves? The worst job, the worst partner in life again and again, the worst everything and others instinctively choose the right path...

It reminds me a great line in a Moliere play

Is for us theater a strange thing or the only thing we can really apprehend? The only way we can continue to accept who we are, who we are not, whom we wish we were, who we hope to become?
Theater saved my life but does really theater saves the life of all the ones who throw themselves into it or can it be sometimes just a way to pursue an easy dream of success in life?

I know that sometimes Theater can bring us unbelievable joys, incredible moments of truth, deep pains and sorrows…It should NEVER leave us indifferent, after each rehearsal after each performance, we should have found a new aspect of our self, a new challenge, a new MOI…I want joys to be real joys, smiles to be real smiles, tears to be real tears, pain to be real pain, I do not want to imitate myself, even as a director theater is the only place I can be totally myself.

Life brings to some of us very difficult moments, very hard challenges. To try to overcome all of this, it is not enough to just walk in the street of Paris or New York with sorrow and tears, and even if Hate is now gone, pain stays forever… Theater helped to accept the pain.
IF theater IS a necessity and THE ONLY WAY FOR US to stay alive so yes lets go for it, lets have the courage to look at our self and dig out the buried chapters…
IF it is not a necessity but just another pastime of life with the pretext that we have some kind of talent, lets have the courage to renounce, to say NO, no more of this quest, we have to look at it, smile and go forward.

Bravo again to this singer who took that decision.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

The beginning

I am not a sleeper, I sleep around 5 to 6 hours every night for the past 50 years, but most of the time my nights are filled with dreams, dreams of being, dreams of who I am,  dreams of who I could have been, dreams of others who exist or not, dreams of my childhood, my youth, my adolescence, my maturity, my starting old age, my next life.
Last night I could not sleep at all, so no dreams, but unconscious thoughts in a half sleep, full of images, full of visions and ghosts of the past.
Of course theater was the center of all these images...
Life in my early adulthood was not ideal, my brother died in a car accident and my father died 6 months later when I was 19, we were just in a new country France, in Paris, my mother and I, poor Tunisian Jews lost in a different society with the feeling that we did not belong to that world...   
I was a physically very strong young man, angry at life, afraid of nothing, and feeling that i had nothing to loose...I had nothing, I was nothing, I had nobody, I was nobody... The university was giving me nothing except silly superficial knowledge about literature and philosophy while I did not know what life was about, except struggling and having this perpetual anger inside me... I walked in the streets of Paris for hours, for days, for weeks, for months looking for something, ready for anything, aggressive and confronting whoever dared to tell me anything...I had no idea of how to free my heart, my soul, my ME, to free myself of all this accumulated pain and I was just looking for danger and trying to change my life by being somebody else, by doing something which will show to the world that I existed, that I was somebody.
I started to be around the bad boys, talking about how to change the world, the society, by acting on it with no restraints, no limits, no sense of morals. Ready for anything, not afraid of the consequences, looking for the bad opportunity  without thinking of the possible result.
It was 1963, 50 years ago...One of the bad boy i was hanging out with, told me once to go with him to a theater acting class..I laughed at him and told him that theater was not life, was a way for people to waste time, and I did not need to be somebody else by acting:
 "I want to be somebody else everyday not by using the excuse of being a character" I said
 "Bernard, come with me and laugh at these idiots on stage, the acting teacher is a great woman, a Russian lady of 70 , her name is Tania Balachova, you will like her, what do you have to loose?" he answered
"fine, I will go with you for a few minutes and go back to reality."
The following day I went with him to a small theater in Paris called "theatre de l' épée de bois" Already the name of the theater made me grin, so full of lies, Theater of the wooden sword, come on, a wooden sword ? Why not a wooden life, a wooden emotion, a wooden anger, a wooden anything.
I arrive and sit in back of the small theater...Maybe 20-25 ACTORS in waiting are there, and I think: 
Here I am in the middle of this place with this people all looking like from the rich society of Paris, "des fils a papa", young men and women ready to be the next star of a decadent world, what am I doing here, I do not belong here more that anywhere else.
Madame Balachova is walking up and down the aisle giving indication to a young girl who was trying to be Ophelie in Shakespeare Hamlet.
The girl could not really follow the indications of Tania, but Tania was insisting, pushing her verbally, calling her names, asking her to be the little girl, of her childhood, to think about her mother, to REALLY go back to the time where she was alone and desperate, making her repeat the same line again and again, whispering to her what the words meant, prompting her with other words, the words which are not said in a text but are thought, AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN...Going into her head and body, asking questions about her life, about her past, about her dreams.  The girl suddenly burst into tears and delivered the lines with so much truth, so much emotion, so much tenderness and passion.  She was suddendly herself and not a caricature of herself, she looked suddendly like another person, like she had been invaded by herself, by her soul.    I felt tears running on my cheeks...I had not cried in months, in hundreds of year, in my entire life, I was feeling what I had never felt ... And it lasted 15 minutes, 20 minutes, an eternity.
Tania told the girl enough for today.
"Who is next?" she growled 
Some students raised their hands, she turned to me.
"Who are you? I have never seen you here? What are you doing here?"
"I came to watch with a friend" I scoured
"To watch? Nobody watches here, everybody is part of it ... Go on the stage."
"No, I have nothing to say, nothing to do, I am not an actor but a doctorate student at the University"
"You look very young to be a University student, go on stage and tell me about you..I said GO ON STAGE, DO YOU HEAR ME?"
I almost told her to get lost and left but her face looking at me was so full of strength and of honesty and of gentleness at the same time that I decided to go on stage.
"Talk to me about you, you want to be an actor?" she said with a smile.
"What do you want to be?"  
"I don't know"
"You don't know?"
"Read this"
She gave me a book.
"Open the book page 15"
I did ... It was the monologue of Raskolnikov in Crime and punishment by Dostoyevsky.
"Read, READ"
I started to read it.
"Louder...Do you know Raskolnikov? do you know Dostoyevsky?"  
"Yes, I read the novel" 
"I read the novel" 
"So, you believe you know him because you read the novel? READ AGAIN" 
"Now, I want you to think about your father while you read"
"My father is dead"
"Think of him" 
..............I continued to read with images of my father.
"Now think about your family, your brothers and sisters"
"I do not have any, I had a brother, he died"
"Think of him"    
.................. I read and read and read
"Start again from the beginning but before tell me...Are you from the eastern countries or are you Jewish?" 
"I am Jewish, why?" 
"Because you have a pain inside you that you need to use, to control.  Read Raskolnikov and let him be you with your own pains, your own story"
I read and read and read, I could not stop and she did not stop me, images of my childhood were invading me, images of my brother and all the dead invading me, they were alive again, talking to me, telling me to take care of me, to take care of my mother.  And Raskolnikov, I was discovering, came to life with my words, my being, my Pain...I could not stop. I started to walk while reading and I was alive.
After a long time who seems to be a few minutes, she said with a controlled smile,
"Enough for today, come back tomorrow, you are now my student"
"I cannot pay for lessons" 
"Who is asking you to pay anything, be here tomorrow at 11 am precisely"
I left the theater, swearing that I would never be back.
I walked through the streets for hours but feeling good. I felt free for the first time in years, I looked at people and smiled at them, I did not hate anybody, my heart was full of good feelings, I even helped an old lady cross the street.
I was there the following day at 10 am and waited an hour in the street for the theater to open.
I had memorized Raskolnikov all night, theater was invading me and changed my life for ever.