Tuesday, February 3, 2015

La parole est d’argent mais le silence est d’or..... Words are silver, but silence is golden…

This line of another time means nothing today!!!

It seems that yesterday I was still walking in the streets of Philadelphia or Antananarivo or Paris or Dakar or Taipei …I don’t like to walk in cities anymore, and when I was younger I loved that so much… There is nothing left to discover, to see, only the surrounding mediocrity, the poverty… and  people wandering without knowing where they are going, who they are or what they really want … 
What happened to the dreams of happiness and the dreams of an equal society full of purpose and aspirations?

Words are silver, but silence is golden

In today’s world, it is accepted, no actually it is the only way to function: close your eyes, your ears and shove your tongue in your throat in order NOT to say what you believe could be the wrong choice, the wrong decision, the wrong behavior… 

BUT WRONG ACCORDING TO WHAT??? I don’t even know, it seems that no criteria is in order anymore.

SILENCE IS GOLDEN: Let people choose perpetually the wrong individuals for different responsibilities in order to obey today OBLIGATIONS, all based on what they believe is to be fair…. Fair to what? Fair to whom?

I cannot believe that some regimes 50 or 60 years ago were considered as PUBLIC ENEMIES,  and today  we do worse… we base our decisions for employing , casting, hiring on everything except work ethics, real talent,  knowledge or devotion.

Enough with that!!!!!

We are now afraid to offend anybody and everybody by having opinions or expressing judgments….The world around us does not want US to be able to think, to create, to exist… 
All is happening as we should be dead…Or we should be sitting in an armchair in a retirement home or community and look through the window at the emptiness around us…

We should look at the nonsense of life, we should contemplate what has not existed for a long time in order to justify everybody’s opinion and behavior or we should respect with no opinions the youth of some, their ambition to be, even though they still do not know enough…

 Finally we should stop existing by being Silent and understanding of everybody.

We should be able to live in denial, we should be like them and sometimes worry about the disease or the death of somebody, in order to prove that we have feelings, we have a soul, and we know how to be a good person.

But most do not know or actually refuse to see that the world should not and cannot enclose us in the silence of the semi-death. The silence of acceptance, sometimes the silence of old age, the silence of the false peace of the soul….
We always have the strength to tame life, we should always  have a creative knowledge and the desire to act… 
We were and still are even if the majority is not and will not be…We cannot be satisfied by letting life leading us by the nose, no, not even life, but the irrelevant events of life …

Those who want to make us live in the silence have the nerve, the effrontery, and the blinding attitude to believe that they are superior and in charge of our destiny…
 If we try to be, we become UN EMMERDEUR DE PREMIERE CLASSE, A ROYAL PAIN IN THE ASS, preventing them from dictating as they look at us with impatience, trying to find a weakness, expecting a misstep and ready to send us to the doldrums…
They want us in bed at night, content to still be alive, happy to have good leaders and they force us to be attentive to the small problems of everybody around us in order to justify our humanity…

Today it’s snowing…I have seen snow very often…I do not like it…It creates a false impression of purity all this immaculate white, a false impression of quietude, of unexpected silence, a piece of white velvet protecting our wounds.

 Julien (Julien was the main character in my novel “The shattered sky”) walked often in the snow, and for the past 45 years he has been walking on the white velvet extending on his wounds trying to redo what was not… he is still walking since the sky was vaguely glued by all these years trying to finalize what never started.

The shattered sky has changed sky…I look at Julien and I forgive him… He is no longer that child full of anger…He doesn't want any more to assassinate the truth any more, he wants to reinvent the truth.
 The truth? The truth of what? Of the lies of imagination? The Truth of the unfinished fantasies? Forty five years since the corner of a blue sky in Paris…
Forty five years??? Did wisdom take over my self-destruction? Does wisdom leave some bitterness on the truth? Is that the reason why some people like the snow? Because snow covers the bitterness of the truth?

Julien you are now far, lost in the uncertain memories, in the memory of the lost senses, but I keep for you a tenderness full of bewilderment… Surprised to see that you are no longer, you are someone else, built by life and shaped by others…You too have disappeared in the fog of life, in the path of life called existence…You have disappeared recreated by the look of others, you became someone else…
Julien are you still capable of reshaping the world? Can you rethink it? Or do you also accept the fact that it is impossible to be yourself? Are you finding refuge in the cocoon of silence?


They always want to know: Is this all truth? Is your life true? Is it true? True? What does true mean? What is the TRUTH? Everything is the truth, and all is invented…There is only one truth, the one we want…

You have a tormented soul…A tormented soul? Not at all… Only a mind trying to understand the meaning of all this, the aim of life lost in the infinity of life…I am not tormented, the young Julien was not tormented, on the contrary, He knew how to tame adversity… he knew how to stay complete in his fragmentation, he was capable of staying strong and whole…

I love Julien, I admire him, I miss him…I miss his strength, his passion, his vision…Forty five years since my decision to start again from scratch, to turn the page, to go conquer a new world…Where did those years go…They went faster than the years spent to try to understand,  trying to live.

Too many people believe that life is what it is…We should not…Fatality, fate do not exist, we can change the world by looking at it in a different way, by interpreting it…Yes, sure, soon I am going to believe in Santa Klaus, should I just believe in the silence and let people continue to do whatever and never tell them anything?

 Everybody has good reasons for being what he is, to believe what he believes, to act according to his desires…
So, what should I expect anything from anybody? Why should I believe that what I know is more important? Why should I expect people to show some gratitude for what I did for them and give something back…
After all these years, I still have not understood that it means nothing…expect nothing from anyone, provoke nothing and no one…ask for nothing… BUT wait like an idiot that things happen and accept in SILENCE in order not to be difficult…
What a punishment, what a bore…

I just woke up sleeping in the plane, was this my last dream? Or a nightmare? Or both? Was I really asleep or just letting my mind ramble…
Can I be again a gypsy in Seville or a spy in Berlin…

It will never change…Life is a perpetual farce. 

Next to me in the plane a couple is exchanging words of love, they are cooing like two doves, they must be in their honeymoon…They are both extraordinarily ugly but they look at each other with eyes full of desire and admiration…They will build a life together, they will tell each other everything except the truth, they will take care of each other except for the big decisions, they will love each other with a quiet love, appeasing and silly…


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