Tuesday, November 5, 2024




               WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF LIFE????????

               I do not know what to answer, maybe it should be….

  WHAT WAS THE PURPOSE OF LIFE??????                                                                                     or                                                                                               WHAT COULD BE THE PURPOSE OF LIFE??????                                                                          or                                                                                               WHAT SHOULD BE THE PURPOSE OF LIFE????

I DO NOT KNOW !!!I cannot believe that In a few months I will get 80 years old!!!!!!!! Where did life go?    The famous line:                                 When you get old Days are long, but Years are short… but >>>>>   Is now totally invading me….                                                                                                            

These days I am thinking a lot about the past years and all the wasted time spent fighting for ridiculous or useless causes. I wish i could be born again with the knowledge I have now…  Becoming young again , KNOWING… Is it what the old Faust wants and desires? Why nobody brings to the young Faust the knowledge of the old one??  It seems that I am living in the fog of knowledge, in the backroom of being wise, in the vestibule of WISDOM.                                                                                                  

 Many people look at me like I am a sorcerer when I am only an apprentice sorcerer, dreams are only a hidden reality, the reality of the unreal…. And we can continue to dream believing that everybody loves us, and acting like we are the protector of everybody…

Yes humanity has changed its way of functioning, feeling and even being… it is now the world of puppets and of mannequins…. And in the arts I can observe the same drama… why should I believe that the world of opera, the world where I spent most of my life should be different.  Actually it should be different, that what artists are for! Recreating reality and bringing to the world hidden memories, hidden feelings, hidden hopes, hidden emotions, hidden fears…

               BUT….. Unfortunately it is not the rule today… The rule is to create a world of lies, of appearances, of fake knowledge. Everybody has an opinion about everything and knows everything. I look at the world and wonder why we all have changed so much…The world is not full of naughty people anymore , that was the world I knew, the naughty people became cheaters and liars, with only one major desire : to reach the top of the pyramid where they will contemplate the world with a satisfied…nasty eye.

  SO???? So???? Next step ??? What is it? I do not know or maybe I never did know!   But we have to continue to be and to function for the people who believe in us, for the ridiculously small minority who justifies the absurdity of everything…  

 Can you count on your two hands, no on one hand, the ones who really…really what? I do not know !!!!

As you can guess I am in the mood of a cat contemplating his belly button…But do cats have a belly button????                                                             

I look around me and I am wondering why we changed so much and of course I can pretend that all the technicity of today is responsible, we spent most of our time on the internet, on Facebook, on Instagram, on TikTok, and on…on… AND NOW ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE.                                                                                            

Actually the world believes that we can say and  write anything we want and make it public, we can accuse others of actions they never committed and destroy reputation and even life, and we continue to be around, and look for the next one to destroy…. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

WE SPENT MOST OF OUR TIME ON THE INTERNET and feel better but is that real?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Recently I was looking at old manuscripts I wrote during my life. Came to my attention two lectures I gave in the mid-seventies in universities where I was teaching  while I was performing with my theater company “French theater in America”.  Reading it after 50 years was a strange experience…                                                           

The first one was called “ Decadence of Occidental Theater” . In the lecture I was describing the poor state of theater in the sixties where nothing new or valuable was presented …I gave the title “ Decadence of Occidental Theater” and I should have called it “Death of art in Occident” because I was talking about murder, a condemnation to death, and an autodafe of Art. We have now reached that condemnation and continue to look for more to destroy…                                              

The other one was called “Grandeur and Misery of the Actor”    It was deploring the sad life of actors trying with no hope and possibilities to really achieve their dreams but “Grandeur and Misery of the Actor”  should be called today “Grandeur and Misery of all of us  “ .                                                                                                                                         

We have never talked so much in the western world about civilization and culture when actually it is life that is leaving us. The sign of our time is confusion, a break between life and the words to describe life and we have pushed the absurd to the point where we create ideas from acts instead of trying to identify our acts to our thoughts.

All our ideas about life have to be rethought since nothing anymore is a consequence of life, everything functions as if we had on one side Culture and on the other side Life.

Yes I am 80 years old and the world around me does not want me to think, to create, to be alive…I should be sitting in a retirement home looking thru the window to the emptiness around me… I should be only concerned about the death or the disease of others in order to prove that I still have feelings, and emotions, and a soul.                   

But  I will fight in order to prevent others to lock me in the silence of the sleepy old age, the silence of the false peace of the soul…They do not know that I still want to tame life, I was and still can be….                                                                                                                                                                              

But I lost touch with what I really like, I am going through a tunnel for so long that I have no idea anymore about what I like, what I need , what I want... I have no idea of how to treat people around me, I have no idea of what they really think of me, I have no idea anymore of who I am , where I go, what I want, what is tomorrow or yesterday.. I am not depressed, just uncertain of the meaning of all this.  Are other people really happy?                                                                                                                 

What is the purpose of having a life? But not having a life is even worse, I simply do not know what that means, I do not hate life or despise it, I do not know anymore what it is, anymore? No, I think I never knew but I never asked. I look around and I behave exactly as  they want me to be some days and some days what nobody wants me to be... I wander in space looking for an island of truth and find the void and wonder about the next wandering. I should walk in a forest looking for a path which will bring me to a field of poppies , so red that they will look like a bleeding bull after a corrida and decide that I want to be the next torero who believes he is James Dean... And maybe I will find the truth about being ... me. I often dream about fields of red poppies, maybe because I have never seen one...

Or maybe I should think about my father who was a much simpler man, and who died at 59 after a life of aggravation and thank my destiny about what I have and stop these attacks of belly button contemplation .

We have to know but I don't know…..

WE should learn how to be able to still smile when the best of times is gone, but we live in a life and a society where there are no reasons anymore to smile…Yes, we should learn how to smile when the only things left are the worst ending of what we believe would be a life of achievements, recognition and love,  and we should continue to contemplate new challenges even if what is left in life is strange enough that only anguish, anxiety and tears happen…                                                                                         

We should learn how to keep our dignity with all our possible strength and even if it is really difficult and even sometimes painful, we should continue on the  path we created for ourselves  and try not to turn back too often to look at the bad events and at the life that others have created for us…But we should also learn and try to hide our tears facing that fate disarming us and hiding our pains facing the lost happiness…                                                                         

We should learn how to leave the table of life when life is not anymore and learn how not to hang on trying to have sympathy or pity or feelings from others, just let’s try to  leave with no noise and no sound…                                                                                        

We should learn how to hide our sorrow under a mask and persist in a so-called right way following the  monotony of life.. and more than anything we should learn how to hold back on the yelling of hate.                                                                                               

We should learn how to stay calm and in control and try to manage a dying heart and a dying mind in order to be with pride and assurance to endure, confront, and survive the next negation of our being…                                                                                                                                YES, WE SHOULD LEARN, WE SHOULD, NOT AN EASY TASK, NOT AN EASY WAY TO FINISH THE LONG JOURNEY

 Il faut savoir mais moi, je ne sais pas !!!!!!!!!!!!    






  1. Bonjour Bernard, votre "post" n'était pas très joyeux à lire, aujourd'hui, en ce triste lendemain des élections...mais j'en ai beaucoup apprécié sa sagesse, portez-vous bien! Nadine

  2. My dear Bernard, you are as thought-provoking as ever! Love, Erica
