I have been thinking a lot about LA VOIX HUMAINE, the opera by Poulenc and
Cocteau…. As always, an extraordinary coincidence occurred in life. Just as I
was thinking of this piece, one of my best friend had a surgery and the doctors
advised him not to talk for three weeks and added that his speaking voice will
be different forever! When he asked for more details, they answered “we do not
a splendid irony, yes, events are in perspective again!!! Every event has the
potential to contain both, truth and lie, dream and nightmare, reality and
fantasy, always mixed.
go by and we are still trying to try to find a meaning to it all. And sometimes
hazard, or the untamable laws of destiny give us some answers, or more
precisely some pieces of answers which drives us to think about the missing
pieces, the next step, the next adventure, the next risk of taking risks
voice…human… or the human voice?
we using our voices the way we should? I do not think so; we should try to
eliminate all the harsh words we have for others, all the pains we inflict with
our voices and our voices should only be the carrier of joy, pleasure,
achievement… With this I am dreaming again!!!!!
what about the thoughts? What will happen to them?
am wandering…my thoughts dictate the words I am writing…maybe I should use my
voice before typing the letters I am writing and obliterate the non-sense which
sometimes invades my blank pages.
voice…when we wake up every morning are our first thoughts for the voice? Do we
pronounce a few reassuring words and smile at the sound of our voices?
have directed this opera four times and really like it… Every time it was a new
adventure because the performer was different and we all know or should know
that we do not ask different artists to do the same thing.
was always wondering why it is called “La Voix Humaine”, is there a voice which
is not Human?
other voices are around or were around? The voice of the supreme Guide? The
voice of remorse, the voice of the ghosts? But even they are human creation, so
La voix Humaine means what?
I am trying to find a meaning to LA VOIX HUMAINE, but why?
often, difficult moments in life dictate the meaning of our existence, and why
is that? I do not know anymore; no actually I have never known.
seems that every day I am more and more submerged by the feeling of irrelevance
surrounding me and sometimes I feel that I am the head of this new way of
being, and finding reasons to speak and use my voice.
I know every generation says the same about the generation before and the
generation after, but I REALLY do not believe it was ever so extreme!
think that today a 35 year-old person cannot talk to a younger 18 year-old
person… So, imagine a baby boomer trying to communicate with an adolescent or even a forty year-old!!!!
am strange, I am from another generation, I am not part of the trends of today,
I am not credible in the ways people function…. I do not have the same values,
the same CREDO, even the same language! I have to be constantly careful of the
words I use in order not to be accused to be temperamental, irrational, aggressive,
but at the same time we are all supposed to be equal (which should ABSOLUTELY
BE TRUE). Yet we cannot find the words to express ourselves out of fear of
being politically incorrect.
every aspect of life, of culture, of human relations, of beliefs, of our sense
of belonging, of politics, of EVERYTHING, I have the horrendous sensation of being
totally irrelevant. In the world of the arts or what is left of it, I am
totally irrelevant because I believe in the respect of masterpieces, in the
tradition of beauty, in the search for the truth, in the study of it to try to
find new significance or new lights.
seems that sometimes (and not because of my French accent) people around me do
not understand what I say, what I do, what I think, even what I dream. They
look at me like I belong to another planet, to another world, to another
society, to another time! I am strange, I am from another generation, I am not
part of the trends of today, I am not credible in the ways people function.
profession became a perpetual question mark for me! Most of the productions I
attend are a bizarre approach to rediscover the already made, not to say a
ridiculous (for me) attempt to do something new, something different, something
more in line with the …. I really do not even know what.
meaning of the words is not taken seriously, if they are considered at all. The
stylistic influences of the period and the music are intentionally ignored, or
in some cases are contradicted to prove an artistic creativity and a sense of
would like to know when the great museums of the world will distribute special
glasses at the doors which will deform or change the colors of the paintings
and the sculptures. I cannot wait to have glasses that
will show me Mona Lisa all in red or pink or purple and wearing duck ears. I
will sit in the room of the museum wondering and letting my fertile imagination
last shows I have attended in New York, I left after the second act, resisting
the desire to leave after the first one, hoping to finally breathe with
work on the characters, the situations and the period was nonexistent, the
attempt to understand and to go deeper in human relations was forbidden, the
sense of beauty was laughed at.
believe they will attract a new audience with it, and the theaters are empty!
They simply forget that human nature has not really evolved significantly and
real feelings, real stories do not change from generation to generation. Since
the beginning of times the human heart has been touched by REAL FEELINGS AND
These so-called
monuments of the past continue to move audiences because they speak to our souls,
to our hearts, to our beings…
do not answer me by saying WHAT IS REALITY? I am sure you know.
YES you can write new pieces, new art, new anything you want the way you want and try to discover new approaches. Actually it is even our duty as artists, if we do not, we cannot advance and progress to the next step. But please leave the masterpieces alone.
Picasso create his last masterpieces by taking his paintings from the blue and
the rose periods (the figurative period) and painting on top of it to create
the Demoiselles D’Avignon? No, He did not, he developed a new form of
expressing himself.
chorus in Ballo is dressed like Ladybugs, Romeo is in love with Stefano, Juliette
is blind, Turandot is a butcher, Figaro is a German soldier, Manon is a whore
in the low district in Paris may be Pigalle, the set of Boheme is in the
Chinese district of Tokyo, nobody knows what the words mean…
course, sometimes we have to adapt a new sensitivity and new understandings,
but not to the detriment of the basics which are life and human soul.
voix humaine is betrayed, and in place we have La voix ridiculed and the
humaine denied.
this attitude of irrelevance is not only wounding or murdering the arts but
also every aspect of everyday life.
freedom you helped me to leave my chains, I suffered to satisfy your demands, I
gave you everything, I left my world and I lost my friends, but I owe you
everything I have.
I became irrelevant in my aspirations, in my dreams, and in my attempts to
change the world which was always my priority. I wanted to change the world by
bringing new truth and new beliefs, but ALWAYS BASED on knowledge, on understanding,
on research…. And I have the feeling that I am completely irrelevant,
dismissible and out of touch with the “geniuses “of today.
ReplyDeleteThis was lighthearted and searing. The Regie-driven theater is attempting to make opera "new" by reimagining the classics, but in this, so much context gets lost in the translation. I had a director tell me she decided her Figaro was really a nobody who was lying about being a barber, and I said, don't you know he's based off of Beaumarchais - a man of great innovation and worldliness, ostracized by the metropolis, only to become king in a little town and laugh at the aristocracy?! ...I think a lot of directors have had no actor training, so they have never considered the concept of strong choices vs. weak choices when it comes to acting.
Anyway, I think you're a great director of ACTORS. You imbue your "standards" with such new life, that audiences are once again thrilled to be in the theater. (You did have 700 teenagers in thunderous rapture and applause, so there you have it - "new audiences")
ReplyDeleteYour lifelong search for deeper meaning and insight into the journey of the characters in the operas you direct have inspired both artists and audiences alike.
You CREATE relevance through your thoughtful research into the masterpieces of opera and theater. May you coninue to inspire....
"Real feelings and real thoughts"--genius! Thank you, Bernard. Your writing is a breath of fresh air.
ReplyDeleteLast night I saw you at MOT. You spoke at David DiChiera's Gala Salute. This morning I saw you at breakfast in the hotel and wanted to walk up to you and say "Please write more often on your blog!!" I live across the bridge in Canada and ditch my evening activities when I knew you were directing a show. I loved that the simplest nuances held deep meaning. I very much enjoy your blog and would hope you return to it. It is very much enjoyed and admired!