There is no end in the difficulties of our
time… Yes, punishments continue to invade us: The covid virus is still around,
and even worse than a few months ago, every day I learned that somebody I know is
sick; wars all over and Ukraine being destroyed; with the climate change the
weather is worse in the entire world; the monkeypox disease is starting to be a
real danger; the economy is a mess and we have more and more people starving; the
cities are terribly dangerous with shootings every day.... and despite that
incredible painful situation, too many people continue to behave like the world
belongs to them and the rules to guide the society should be their rules. HOW
It is time to read again Crime and Punishment
by Fyodor Dostoevsky? I remember his book with passion, I went back to it and
found quotes I believe are adequate for our times…Here are some:
“Pain and
suffering are always inevitable for a large intelligence and a deep heart. The
really great men must, I think, have great sadness on earth.” “Only to live, to live and live! Life, whatever it may be!” “I did not bow down to you, I bowed down
to all the suffering of humanity.”
with new ideas, people with the faintest capacity for saying something new, are
extremely few in number, extraordinarily so, in fact.”“It takes something more than intelligence to
act intelligently.”
“Intelligence alone is not nearly enough when it comes to acting wisely.”
“The whole question here is: am I a monster, or a victim myself?”
Are we punished for OUR CRIME(S)?
Every day I am astonished and very often in shock hearing about the
new ways of functioning of our society…. I mentioned many times in this blog
the incredible changes of our world and how difficult it is for all of us to adapt
to it…
But nothing has changed and even worse it is prevalent… I hear all
the times about students complaining to the dean about their teachers because
they are not supported enough, and their ARTISTRY is not recognized and
actually is defeated… Or about other ARTISTS beginners not understanding why
they are not cast in big companies like the Metropolitan Opera when they have
such a great talent…But it is not only in the Artistic world, it is in every
aspect of life and society, too many people really do not know their jobs and
do not try to learn more, they prefer to be on Instagram or…or…and are
convinced they KNOW AND DESERVE MORE….
“The founder of Dubai Sheikh Rashid was asked
in an interview about the future of his country, and he replied: My grandfather
rode a camel, my father rode a camel, I ride a Mercedes, my son will ride a
land rover, my grandson will ride a land rover, but my great grandson will have
to ride a camel again.
When asked why, his response was hard times
create strong men, strong men create easy times, easy times create weak men,
and weak men create difficult times, many will not understand it but we need to
create warriors, not parasites, add to the historical reality that all great
empires, the Persians, the Trojans, the Greeks, the Romans, the Egyptians and
later the British all rose and perish within 240 years. They were not conquered
by external enemies, they were rotten and destroyed from within. America has
reached that 240 years mark and it is starting to become visible and
accelerating. We are past the Mercedes and Land rover years, the camels are now
on the horizon, the greatest generation consisted of 18 years old kids that
stormed the beaches of Normandy and now two generations later some kids, some
18 years old want to hide in a safe room when words hurt their feelings, they
want free stuff from the government because they think they are entitled to it.
The camels are on the horizon for sure…”
History has a funny way of repeating itself.
Everything is owed to everybody, everybody
deserves everything, everybody should have everything…
We are punished… WHY???? Are we only functioning guided and directed by
the Moi buried in our subconscious? And ignoring all the rules and all the
lessons of previous generations? The MOI? What is it really?
Example of the MOI in the subconscious…In
French theater, to attract public attention before a rising curtain, knocks are
hit on the floor by a wooden pole on the backstage and then three loud knocks
just before the start of a performance. Since lights were candles that was the
way to tell the audience that the performance was starting... It was a tradition and still
happen in some theaters today. Puccini
in LA BOHEME, at the beginning of Musetta Aria illustrates this tradition of
LES TROIS COUPS (THE THREE KNOCKS) … Did he do it on purpose as a wink to the
French theater tradition and to show that Musetta will act a role in a theater
scene?? Or had he acquired this knowledge, digested it and it came out without
even thinking of it? Did his subconscious work for him? Did the hidden MOI
function for this? PROBABLY YES.
The surrealists developed this idea with what
they called “ECRITURE AUTOMATIQUE” “Automatic writing deflects the
unconscious thought. It is the imprudence of vocabulary in order to finally
release the unconscious expression through writing”
Can we function obeying only our desires, our
beliefs, and our culture? Unfortunately, our culture now is fake and false and
based on NOTHING…
I think sometimes about the past, even a
relatively recent past… Yes, it was possible then to continue to be , to
continue to think, to continue to feel, to continue to give to others…I
remember 11 years ago a singer sent me the following email about her opening as
Mimi in a production:
Dear Bernard, As promised, I send you an email. It was a wonderful
evening, but I still cannot sleep because I burned myself emotionally. This role is very special for me and
takes enormous power from my soul. I cannot just "play" it, I have to
live it on stage as my own life. And this is sometimes goes so far and deep
that it is very hard to come back. Thank you for wonderful performance I am
allowed to play here. I am so grateful that Mimi is Mimi here and she is alive,
real girl, not just a figure or personage from the book or opera. And when I hear orchestra, playing so strong and somehow pitiless I feel
like the music tells me how small and helpless we are in confront of destiny.
the music is like a natural disaster, an immense power which tell us our
Death and love together... what a mixture!
So I hope to find myself again for Friday, I need to be in
"Sola soletta" mood at least in the act one;))
Thank you for your attention, you promised me to answer...! Good night and have a nice dream!
is the only good reason to be in theater, to live again and again incredible
strong moments, to purge our soul, our body, our mind, our fears of great
and deeply buried emotions.
love rehearsals because for me that is the moment to achieve all this thru my
actors... Yes, it takes time to become again ourselves, but we never completely
do, because ourselves in every experience change, have an evolution... It is
frightening sometimes to know that we will wake up different, how can we deal
with the routine of the day, the demands of the ones who believe we are the
same person that the day before?
goes so fast, so many experiences, so many great moments, so many pains and
joys, so many wonderful encounters... And for some people, so many questions
about the meaning of What we do...
I love the theater because it is almost the only time where we can be ourselves with no shame, no barriers, no calculation no selfish intentions. You will find yourself for Friday and you will be again the wonderful human Mimi you are because You are a wonderful person ... Each character you will perform will be richer and richer because you will carry with you forever what Mimi is giving you.
Death and
love together!!! Is there anything else?
send you thru your sleep all the strength possible
Unfortunately it seems that these days are gone . Yes, I sincerely
hope that we could find ways to go back to the times when we were searching for our soul and our strength and
have again the desire to give back to people around us what they really need, and
then Crime and Punishment will become only a book, the masterpiece of
Dostoevsky and not a possible life.