Monday, January 18, 2021


We are living difficult times but with time things will fall in place and we will dream again.

Yes, we are living exceedingly difficult times… The pandemic not under control and even expanding dramatically…Vaccination not available for too many of us...The incredible political situation and the terrible consequences on everyday life and the future of the country…A country we  love, where we came full of hopes for a better life than the one experienced in the other countries some of us lived in...

 For many people, a life of tragic events and fighting constantly to be accepted by others, to make their dreams become reality but it seems now that everybody is in the same terribly difficult situation and it is very painful, filling all of us with constant fear…

Yes, time and life go on, the parents of the young ones are wondering how to approach life and what will happen to their children, life in the beginning of adult age is a total mystery, the middle age people are going through a very dramatic period, and the elderly are very sad to finish their life in these conditions.                                                                                                                                                                                                           With time all goes away, yes all goes away ….  How many times in my life I thought I was living the last possible chapter, but I went on…Yes, even during the worst events of our life, we must continue to be, to survive, to think, to love and to create… Even if we are wounded by events, even if our heart does not beat regularly anymore, we must go on and look further and expect the next positive train AND TAKE IT…                  

 With time all goes away, but memories are still with us, the beautiful memories, and the ones we loved: we were looking for them under the rain, we could even recognize them at night in a dark corner in a street, yes with time not everything disappears… Let us remember the ones for whom we would have sold our soul, and for whom we were so worried because they had caught a cold…In the difficult times we cannot erase or forget our passions and the voices of the loved ones telling us: “be careful do not catch a cold, do not come home too late…”
Even if we feel exhausted and powerless, betrayed by the lost times we must go on and cherish the beautiful memories…           

And please let us not make a big tragedy of little events in our life, let us not fall in the trap of what is” a la mode “and become part of the social medias. Most of us, these days, are constantly aggressed by others, by people who need to have their names printed on a newspaper or Facebook to feel that they exist… Can we forgive them? Depending on the gravity of the aggression, I will let you decide…

Winter is here now, and dead leaves are cracking on the ground and we wander in the streets by ourselves, alone, among a crowd of faces hidden behind a mask, like an old horror movie… Sitting in an outdoor restaurant place trying to believe that life is back… And we thought that we loved horror movies…

Many days, many nights have passed and we have to believe all the time that it will be the last sinking, and with spring coming, it will be fine… we will be again be permitted to talk about love and our passions, we will be again authorized to walk in the gardens full of flowers, and our distraught hearts will be in peace again…Is it true that lost time does not come back, may be, but another time will come…

With time things fall in place. With time we will dream again… We will go and heat ourselves in the sun again and be totally devoted to make our existence and other people’s life wonderful again…With time we will not fall into despair. Our life these days could look like the life of weaponless soldiers trying to tell the enemy to go away, please go away, go away… and the enemy just smiles full of despise. But new times are waiting for us, and the enemy will disappear in the fog of history, and we will be ourselves again not wearing a yellow star.

 It is not too late to learn how to live a different life, we have to be waiting for peace to come back and let the memories of this nightmarish time fade away in the sun rising of a new day…We must be ready to open the door to a better tomorrow and dismiss the painful memory of today…Generations before us have done it, and it is our duty to do it, to have them as an example of staying strong in front of adversity.                                                                                                                                                                                     

Nothing is given to us, not our strength, not our weakness, not our heart, and sometimes when we believe we can open our arms we are drawing a cross and our life can be a strange and painful negation of who we believe we are, but we have to find again  a shore where we will smile  and have the wind drying our tears and then we will be liberated of these chains…Chains are always breakable, let’s find the courage and the desire to go to the next step and break these chains.

Yes, these days our freedom can be destroyed or wounded, and our freedom cannot anymore find entity, but our freedom has again to take the path of hope, yes, with time we will again be able to love our life and even our loneliness…And we will remember that we were dozens, hundreds, thousands of people shaking and fearful believing that we were humans living a nightmare…                                                                                 But with time we will be able to dominate our fear and we will not be the shadow of a shadow anymore….                                                                                                                    

Too many of us will not arrive to the end of the journey and we will not forget them, they are and will be present in our thoughts and our affection forever… Yes, too many are gone, and the death of friends does not disappear from our memory …Recently, many, too many of my friends are gone and I can see them in my thoughts talking to me, laughing with me, sharing new ways to build a new world. They were part of me, of who I am, who I become and now they are gone forever…                                                    I am wondering: why did they disappear? Was it fate? And I am questioning what is the meaning of fate? What is destiny? 

My father, when confronted with a tragic event in his life was always saying: IT WAS WRITTEN… He left his country at the age of 59 years old, the country where his ancestors were for hundreds of years, arrive in France with nothing and tried to start a new life, his son, my brother died in a car accident at the age of 26, my father heartbroken died a year later…                                                                                          THAT WAS WRITTEN??? Written? BY WHOM?                                                                                                                                                                                                         

Should we accept all this because it is written? Are we capable of going to another chapter after living such tragedy?                                                                                        Let us be realistic, we have no choice, we must go further, we must wait for better times, and WRITTEN OR NOT, we must think about tomorrow but always keeping in us the loss of the ones we loved…. My father and brother died more than 50 years ago, but they are present in me, and often I am talking to them, asking: where are you? What are you doing?

With time all goes away, yes all goes away …. In a few years, we must describe these times with a new peace of mind, finding the courage to accept a new chapter, and almost proud to have been capable to have overcome this painful period of life… So, everybody, you must stay strong, people around you need you. Think about the next sunrise, the next episode of your life, the people you took care of and the ones you will take care of, life goes on, and we need you. With time you will win if you do.