Friday, September 13, 2019


We are living a strange time , is strange the right word ?  I think I should say more appropriately a Chaotic Time ….
It seems that nothing is really functioning according to known human relations  and accepted social rules. It seems that every day brings new assaults on our life ,  and every day is becoming a challenge, because we do not  know how that day will finish or even how it  will develop and what it will bring to us.. 
A world full of surprises but most of the time bad ones.

All over the world , it is a political mess, most of the leaders of the world are contested by the citizens of their country , they are declared inconsistent, single minded,  too young or too old, too authoritarian or too liberal, non-educated or too educated with no understanding of the average person.
 The leaders are accused to be too preoccupied with their families or on the contrary are suspected to betray them, most of people do not trust them, and the ones who do are accused to have some kind of involvement with them…

Every possible slander is fashionable and well received. 
 It seems that we need to find something wrong in all of them in order to justify our great political mind and our great knowledge of it…                                                                                                               
The news do not help, ah! Ah! Ah! Unfortunately it is not news anymore , but the opinion of some so-called journalists who need to advance in their profession by showing how much they know about everything…
Every day we see more Journalists , and most of them very new in the business can express their judgements about everything and condemning or praising whoever is the subject of the conversation. 


All we hear on the news are bad news,  who died or who is dying, who killed whom, who robbed whom , what plane crashed, the next mass shooting, the next disease, the next hurricane, the pollution,  this medication had the worst side effects, the population of that country is dying of hunger, 27 more people accused of whatever, poverty and famine here and there,
A perpetual succession of bad and painful news.

 I am dreaming sometimes of a news channel called OGN , Only Good News, that channel will deal only with good news: who is happy, who is successful, new friendships, new loves, new discoveries favorable to the human race, beautiful weather in the world, children having a good time , birthdays, people finally meeting each other,  etc.…etc.…etc.…..                                                                                                                                                     

The human relations are not better… 
Everybody can express his opinions as a real  specialist ( with actually no knowledge of the subject) and expose his judgements through the social media; everybody can attack whoever he wants without any proof of anything.
 By writing a few lines everybody is becoming a judge and can denounce or condemn others without any real proofs of  anything except what he heard or  believes or feels ! 
And the people will follow, comment,  and  go into it with a delicious taste of bringing peace to society by judging, condemning and remodeling relationships with what they assume  is right. 
And they decide who should be denounced or should not be and what should be done to correct behavior and punish the possible guilty ones.

It seems that more and more people do not really know what their job is about, too busy in spending time in the new  obsessions like  social medias, phone, Instagram, twitter etc.… instead of learning and  progressing in the knowledge of their profession… 
In practically  every aspect of business, too many people do not really know their job!  In stores, in banks, in buildings, in the arts,  in every profession , too many people are not really in command of  the knowledge of their duties,  and actually they want to ignore it!
It seems that people in charge hire on purpose non professionals  or amateurs in order to be the boss and to  look like they know more than the others… Ignoring the basic rule: Hire people who know more than you do in their specialty, or you do not need them!                                                                                       


For people who have no idea of what the Peter Principle is, here is a definition:

“The Peter Principle is an observation that the tendency in most organizational hierarchies, such as of a corporation, is for every employee to rise in the hierarchy through promotion until they reach a level of respective incompetence”


Today It seems that truth is a concept which lost its meaning and truth is now the reality of each individual.  
What is Truth? What is the meaning of Truth?
YES the meaning of truth at the dusk of my life is escaping me, this dusk every day darker, thicker, more somber. More chaotic in the world we are living….          
 I am not capable anymore to distinguish what is real or even the meaning of real, I can only see the nonsense and the chaos  of everyday life…
I try to hook myself to lost moments but they cannot be alive anymore and cannot be found, I feel my creativity fading and losing its power in the pathetic routine of  the chaotic everyday life…. 
 I remember that line from a poem;” It is raining in my heart like it is raining in the city, what is this pain penetrating my heart?”

Should I accept that? With time , with time everything goes away, all become an empty cloud, we can forget  passions and we can forget faces and sometimes we can even forget the sound of voices…. Should I accept that when the conflicts are over, when the memory is going to a blank space, even the heart does not pound anymore, so it is not necessary to try to remember , to try to search again , to try to bring back the memories and the feelings , and this is probably for the best. 

Yes with time, all go away, the friends that we were waiting for under the rain do not show up anymore , the ones that we knew well just by looking at them, even from far, have disappeared in the night. 

Even memories have a strange look , like silly stuff in a supermarket and the ones we loved and have helped during our life  have gone because of our failing memory. And we feel exhausted like a wounded warrior,  and we feel alone but in peace and we feel betrayed by the lost years,  so with time , we start to renounce and we do not care anymore.

All this created by the chaos… Should I accept that? Should I go in this pathetic mood and this destroying world?


 Very often during our existence we see our dreams defeated and our desires frustrated BUT we have to continue dreaming with no hesitation , if not, our soul can die…
We need to continue to dream about friendship and new challenges by creating new ways. Love is possible for all but friendship can be a challenge for the heart, so it should be our duty to pursue that dream and to build new friendships .

 We have to learn to be happy today and try not to talk about yesterday, because most of the time the difficulties of the past are more present in our psyche and they are more difficult to digest and even to swallow.

Remember it is when you have lost everything than you are free to do anything you want and to rebuild confidence and hope for new happiness; not only hoping for it, we have to  create it and work on it with honor and persistence. 

Why should we believe that everything can or should last forever...Life has to be reinvented daily, all the time and we have to find the ways to adapt to a new world but without losing who we really are just to fit with that new world...

Yes it is CHAOS but our duty is to survive in this chaos, to try to minimize it and to find a new balance without losing who we are basically....

A difficult task, but not an impossible one,