SELF I ???????
was in my twenties during the Vietnam War and while Vietnam was for us in France
another adventure of the Americans, I had been very influenced by it and by its
consequences on society, and we believed in the necessary changes demanded by a
new generation.
sixties were the years of EVERYTHING, all was permitted, all was accepted, and
all was forgiven and blessed…Yes, to be in your twenties during the sixties was
at the same time a blessing and a curse, despair, and a hope for change. Total
adventure was possible, and attempt to reach a new dimension an everyday task.
generation of my parents in remote Tunisia and then as refugees in France was
totally protected by education, some credo in religion, the thoughts of their
parents, a certain way of life and a given way of thinking…
course, I had heard from a cousin or a friend, or even a remote friend of my
parents, that they knew somebody who was betraying his family, or had an
affair, or an addiction to alcohol or some drugs, or even in the worst cases
some sexual perversion…but it was the reason for whispering dirty secrets in
corners, or badmouthing somebody about his terrible double life.
sixties brought to some of the young generation, the idea that we had to
contest society and the rules given by our parents, and the idea of smoking pot
was cool, overdrinking alcohol was permitted, total sexual freedom accepted… We
were the culmination and the explosion of a culture still wounded by the Second
World War and we went for it totally with no restraints and no hesitations…
the time, I was thinking that it would be just a period in our western society
and soon all will go back to a life of order, of self-control, of respect for
others and we will again TRY to obey the rules of society set by many
flew, years went very fast, and we went from the sixties to the seventies to
the eighties to the nineties and to the new millennium… and now we are in 2017.
after year, decade after decade, I have witnessed an incredible change in the
ways of living, in the ways of thinking. Not only did we not go back to the
life before the sixties, which is normal and expected, but everything went
forcefully in the opposite direction to reach a degree where life and society
and behavior are less and less understandable even for most of the new
one of the idols of my youth, Robin Williams passed away, even if he was a
child of the seventies I always believed that he was really the product of the
His genius was GENIUS, his talent was TALENT, his suffering was
do we even understand what genius and talent are? It seems that the rules of
life are improvisation and an attempt to prove incessantly the importance of
being dishonest.
seems that we are living in a world of total addiction more than ever…. Alcohol
and drugs seem to be the normal way of living…and we have invented new
addictions: addiction to phones, to social media, and even worse, compared to
today, the ME generation is nothing since now we live in a total world of
self-contemplation, self-admiration, self EVERYTHING.
thirteen million people looked at the picture of a star who had posed
half-naked with their new twins and I wondered why this is so interesting.
Everyday walking in the street I bump into people who are taking pictures of
themselves to publish on social media, I think they call that SELFIES but it
should be called selfish OR EVEN “SELF I”.
SELF I since it is more and more obvious that everyone is totally satisfied
with his own image, his own MOI…The MOI gives the right to all to denounce
everything, to protest everything, to make everything valuable. And at the same
time we cannot say anything because we could hurt the MOI of somebody else. We
can be accused of anything since all is permitted and all is forbidden.
seems that everybody needs to exhibit his life, his desires, his successes and
failures, his latest and newest adventures on a daily basis with perpetual
exposure…The general rule is to have no mystery or mysteries, everybody has to
know everything about everybody, and everybody is ecstatic to expose
time when mystery or mysteries were present is a notion totally ridiculed by
the majority, EVEN IF a life with no mystery can be very boring and even
is the time when private imagination and private dreams were part of the game
of life and a way to be and to find a new
Imagination and dreams and illusions are the
hidden reality, the reality of the non-said or told.
The mystery of life and the mysteries of relations
are a basic of learning and a key for a life devoted to growing. Yes, dreams
are only a hidden reality…the reality of the surreal… forever we should be
sitting in the waiting room of final achievement, never totally
satisfied. We should wonder about tomorrow and the mystery of everything
and everybody, but unfortunately, we rarely meet somebody with
We too often believe that we are loved by all,
hated by all, protected by all or protector of all, we believe that everybody
wants us as a friend or everybody pushes us away... The reality of the
despite that, we have to fight for discovery, yes still discovery can exist,
discovery actually exists…
We have to wake up from an eternity of self-indulgence,
and the belief that the world owes us something… every day, after too much time
spent in non-action and in limbo of the anti-chamber of success, some of my
friends of the real world, or people from the other world (I mean the artists)
believe that they should now be recognized since they are exposing themselves
24 hours a day to the look of others! They enjoy the perpetual attack of
self-attempt to be…
The years of neglect, of waiting for Godot, do
not count anymore…they deserve to be successful since they expose themselves
everywhere … and now by doing it, they should be RECOGNIZED immediately by all…
SO what to think? What to do? Where is the
truth? I know every generation has problems, I know that every generation is
asking for something different while the older one wants to preserve their own
I was dreaming at the age of 8 or 9 to become a
famous actor, I collected in a book the pictures of my favorites American
actors, closing my eyes and transporting myself into the Wild Wild West with
John Wayne or with Marlon Brandon in ‘On the Waterfront”.
Or I was a Russian character in a Russian
novel, which one? Is there a difference today in being a character of Gogol or
a character of Pouchkine? Sadly enough it is the same thing for the majority of
people...we have lost the meaning of culture and are devoting ourselves to
clichés, appearance and exposition of everything we believe we are.
Will we at one moment in this auto-destructive society
wake up and find again a sense of Mystery, and some modesty?
According to the present time we should not
build a name, a career, and respect for our professionalism. I have so many
friends who wanted, craved all their life to be artists, performers. But where
is the cult for work, the cult for perfection? Or at least OUR attempt for
perfection. A world for immediate retribution has ungloved us, we are not
anymore what we can be but what we believe we deserve to be.
We cannot be only ONE, our self, and believe
that it is enough to advance in life!!!! The absence of mystery and mysteries
will prevent us to advance on the long path of life, we have to create a
multiplicity of feelings, of thoughts, of knowledge…We SHOULD NOT let everybody
know every second of our life what we do and what we do not do. We have to be a person full of surprises, of perpetual acquisition of